BPJS Health Covers 171 Thousand Population of Solsel

BPJS Health Covers 171 Thousand Population of Solsel
- The government of Solok Selatan Regency continues to be determined to provide health insurance for all of its people. The achievements that have been achieved so far are that 171 thousand out of 182 thousand residents of South Solok or 93.91% have become members of the Health BPJS.

The Regent of Solok Selatan said that it was the duty of the government to provide health insurance to its people. Moreover, if it reaches a certain number, South Solok will become an area with Universal Health Care (UHC), meaning that all people without exception will get fair access to health.

"UHC is not the final goal, but more importantly than that how the government is really present in order to guarantee the health of its people," said Khairunas at the launch of the PESIAR program at the Sarantau Sasurambi Hall, South Solok Regent's Office, Thursday (8/6/2023).

Khairunas also hopes that BPJS Kesehatan will improve its services and outreach to the community, so that people can enjoy the existing services and also invite all parties involved to support this program.

"To all stakeholders and stakeholders, I ask you to continue to actively pursue the targets of this program," he added.

Head of BPJS Kesehatan Solok Branch, Neri Eka Putri appreciates the persistence of the South Solok Regency Government in the BPJS Kesehatan program to achieve UHC (Universal Health Coverage).

He explained that UHC is the membership coverage of the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) managed by BPJS Kesehatan at least 95% of the total population.

“Currently, with UHC it has reached 93.9. Only 1.1% left to reach 95%. It is estimated that another 2000 people will reach UHC. We need support from all of us, including the nagari government," said Neri on the same occasion.

Of the 39 Nagari in Solok Selatan, as many as 18 Nagari have UHC where 95% of the population is covered by the BPJS Kesehatan program.

The PESIAR program is also a form of synergy between the South Solok Regency Government and BPJS Kesehatan.

PESIAR alias Map, Comb, Advocate and Registration is an activity that is carried out by comparing population data with JKN membership data.

The data sweeping activity involved the role of the Camat, Wali Nagari and Jorong, in order to obtain a data bank on the status and potential of the population that could be registered for segmentation according to the criteria.

In launching the PESIAR program, Nagari Alam Pauh Duo was used as the BPJS Health Pilot Project. So with the Nagari as a pilot project it is hoped that a significant increase in the number of JKN participants in the Nagari will be achieved, and will become an example for other Nagari in Solsel. *uc/ril


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