Eka Sakti University of Padang Gives Training to 991 KKN 2023 Students
Guntal.com - Eka Sakti University in Padang provided training to 991 students who will take part in the Community Service Program (KKN) which will be distributed to a number of areas in West Sumatra.
The Chief Executive of the KKN, Dian Wahyuni Dewi Putri, said that this KKN was the implementation of students to apply the knowledge gained while studying.
“KKN is not for the purpose of taking a vacation. But to learn and train a comprehensive way of thinking,” she said.
“This year, the KKN participants were distributed to five districts in West Sumatra, namely Tanah Datar, Agam District, Pesisir Selatan District, 50 cities and to a number of areas in Padang City,” she said again.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Eka Sakti University, Prof. Sufyarma Marsidin conveyed to his students that KKN is intra-curricular with 4 credits.
"We ask all students to take part in the KKN program seriously," he said.
"Besides that, I also hope that the students who take part in this year's Community Service Program will pass 100 percent," he said.
He admitted that KKN is a very strategic program or activity related to community empowerment, where participants are trained in how to think comprehensively.
"As facilitators, by working with leaders, religious scholars and other regional apparatuses, you can solve problems that arise in the field, especially in the nagari," he said.
Then the goal is to train students to think and act in teamwork. So that problems in their area of KKN can be resolved.
“Then you must also be able to act and behave according to the local culture. In this case, you will receive input from the sources in the next three days," he said.
While the Head of the W Sumatra Civil Service Agency, Amar Zakri, who was present at the activity, said that the purpose of the KKN was for student participation in community development.
“In the end there will be a civil society. Implementation later is to establish a good relationship between universities and the government. Of course, we need the support of all parties so that this Community Service Program can run well," he explained.
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