6 Point Statement of Attitude from the Indonesian PTN Chancellor's Council Regarding the 2024 Election
The Council of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities (MRPTNI) also responded to the actions of a number of universities related to the 2024 General Election.
MRPTNI stated the importance of maintaining and maintaining the conduciveness of national and state life in the face of the Indonesian presidential election and legislative elections in 2024.
MRPTNI Chairman Ganefri accompanied by a number of rectors of universities in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) read a statement of MRPTNI attitude Number 142 / MRPTNI / II / 2024 at the Senate Meeting of Padang State University (UNP), Wednesday night (7/2/2024).
This attitude statement is the result of the thoughts of 145 Rectors of State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia consisting of 76 state universities, 44 state polytechnics, and 25 state Islamic universities (UIN)
"Ahead of the democratic party of the Indonesian Presidential General Election and the Legislative election on February 14, 2024, campuses and university academicians participate in maintaining safe, peaceful, direct, public, free, secret, honest, and fair elections. On the basis of these considerations, the Council of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities appealed with a call for a statement of attitude consisting of six points, "said Ganefri.
First, so that universities as higher education institutions, have a moral responsibility to maintain neutrality and impartiality towards the contestation of the 2024 Indonesian general election, as well as maintain conduciveness and the spirit of democracy based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution.
Second, always place the Head of Higher Education as an institution of social control through a dignified academic pulpit, upholding freedom of opinion through an ethical, polite, and responsible aspirational pulpit.
Third, uphold academic integrity and ethics by being open, using correct and objective data and information, and avoiding unfounded opinions, imposing will, let alone incitement.
Fourth, so that all forms of differences of opinion and political attitudes remain within the corridors of the rule of law based on the constitution and laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia, which is based on the spirit of brotherhood among all elements of the nation.
Fifth, so that all elements of the Indonesian nation actively participate in supporting the smooth running of all stages of the 2024 Indonesian election process, so as to create elections with integrity to produce leaders who are able to realize a just, prosperous, sovereign and dignified future as the ideals of the founding fathers of the nation.
Sixth, so that all elements of the Indonesian nation always place the university campus as an academic pulpit that upholds ethics and morality in conveying aspirations and avoids all forms of practical political activities.
"Thus this attitude and appeal, may God Almighty cover the entire nation and spill the blood of Indonesia, in carrying out the 2024 general elections that are smooth, orderly, with the spirit of harmony and brotherhood, Amin," concluded Ganefri. (Realease)
MRPTNI Chairman Ganefri accompanied by a number of rectors of universities in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) read a statement of MRPTNI attitude Number 142 / MRPTNI / II / 2024 at the Senate Meeting of Padang State University (UNP), Wednesday night (7/2/2024).
This attitude statement is the result of the thoughts of 145 Rectors of State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia consisting of 76 state universities, 44 state polytechnics, and 25 state Islamic universities (UIN)
"Ahead of the democratic party of the Indonesian Presidential General Election and the Legislative election on February 14, 2024, campuses and university academicians participate in maintaining safe, peaceful, direct, public, free, secret, honest, and fair elections. On the basis of these considerations, the Council of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities appealed with a call for a statement of attitude consisting of six points, "said Ganefri.
First, so that universities as higher education institutions, have a moral responsibility to maintain neutrality and impartiality towards the contestation of the 2024 Indonesian general election, as well as maintain conduciveness and the spirit of democracy based on pancasila and the 1945 constitution.
Second, always place the Head of Higher Education as an institution of social control through a dignified academic pulpit, upholding freedom of opinion through an ethical, polite, and responsible aspirational pulpit.
Third, uphold academic integrity and ethics by being open, using correct and objective data and information, and avoiding unfounded opinions, imposing will, let alone incitement.
Fourth, so that all forms of differences of opinion and political attitudes remain within the corridors of the rule of law based on the constitution and laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia, which is based on the spirit of brotherhood among all elements of the nation.
Fifth, so that all elements of the Indonesian nation actively participate in supporting the smooth running of all stages of the 2024 Indonesian election process, so as to create elections with integrity to produce leaders who are able to realize a just, prosperous, sovereign and dignified future as the ideals of the founding fathers of the nation.
Sixth, so that all elements of the Indonesian nation always place the university campus as an academic pulpit that upholds ethics and morality in conveying aspirations and avoids all forms of practical political activities.
"Thus this attitude and appeal, may God Almighty cover the entire nation and spill the blood of Indonesia, in carrying out the 2024 general elections that are smooth, orderly, with the spirit of harmony and brotherhood, Amin," concluded Ganefri. (Realease)
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