Ensure Safe Electricity Supply Welcoming the 2024 Elections, PLN Establishes Electricity Standby Posts throughout the Region

Ensure Safe Electricity Supply Welcoming the 2024 Elections, PLN Establishes Electricity Standby Posts throughout the Region
- Ahead of the 2024 General Election, PT PLN (Persero) ensures that the national electricity system is in safe condition. PLN also set the election alert period from February 11-18, 2024 by establishing 1,853 standby posts and deploying 81,591 standby personnel in all regions in the country.

President Director of PLN Darmawan Prasodjo said that PLN and the government are committed to the success of the 2024 election democratic party. In this case, PLN has carefully ensured the supply of electricity throughout the electricity system during the election standby period.

PLN projects the electricity system to be in safe condition on the D-day of the Election on February 14, 2024 with a Peak Load of 36,643 megawatts (MW) and Supply Capable Power of 57,543 MW.

"PLN will focus on securing electricity supply for the smooth running of the 2024 elections. We want to make sure that all people can vote calmly at their respective polling stations," said Darmawan.

In order to prepare for the 2024 elections, PLN has recorded strategic locations for elections and their supply. Furthermore, PLN conducts inspections and maintenance to ensure its installation is in normal condition to maintain supply reliability.

"During the standby period, PLN will not carry out planned blackouts, except for emergencies. PLN has also made procedures for securing supplies and coordinating with security forces," he added.

To maintain supply reliability, PLN will alert 130 Voltage Work (PDKB) teams with a total of 1,040 personnel. Supporting equipment will also be alerted, namely in the form of 1,731 units of generators, 1,091 units of Mobile Substations (UGB), 116 units of Mobile Cables (UKB), 735 units of Uninteruptible Power Supply (UPS), 395 units of cranes.

As operational support, PLN also prepared 3,756 units of cars and 3,318 units of motorcycles. Especially for electric vehicles, 624 units of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) are also on standby throughout Indonesia.

"All our equipment will be on full standby to ensure accelerated power recovery in case of disruption. In the event of a disturbance, network maneuvers will be carried out so that those affected can be isolated for further repairs," Darmawan concluded. (Release)
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