Pj Wako Payakumbuh Receives Baznas Award 2024
Guntal.com - Acting Mayor of Payakumbuh, Jasman received the 2024 Baznas Awards which was held at the Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (29/2/2024).
The award received by Jasman was in the category of Regional Head of Best Zakat Management Support. This award was handed over directly by the Chairman of Baznas RI, Prof. Dr. KH Noor Ahmad.
The Baznas Award 2024 is held in order to appreciate the performance of the Provincial Baznas, District/City Baznas, LAZ, and parties who have contributed greatly to zakat management in Indonesia.
In the awarding ceremony, the Chairman of MUI KH Anwar Iskandar, the Egyptian Ambassador to Indonesia, the Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt, the Chairman of Bayt Zakat Egypt, the Governor of the award recipient throughout Indonesia, and the Mayor / Regent of the award recipient throughout Indonesia.
At the beginning of his remarks, the Chairman of Baznas RI, KH Noor Ahmad revealed that if the current development of Baznas is advancing quite rapidly. Where the increase has reached 30 percent every year.
According to him, this cannot be separated from the Cinta Zakat movement and the Blessing Zakat Movement launched by President Joko Widodo.
"In 2023 yesterday, the achievement of zakat throughout Indonesia has reached IDR 33 trillion through Baznas and LAZ. And in 2024 now, Baznas has targeted the achievement of zakat received to reach IDR 41 trillion. And of course this achievement is also inseparable from the role of regional heads who make policies that encourage increased zakat achievements, "explained Noor Ahmad.
He explained, in the receipt of zakat benefits of Indonesian citizens at present, it has reached 65 million people throughout Indonesia. And there have been 450 thousand muzakki. Currently, Baznas' flagship program is the development of zakat villages.
"With the program that will run in 2024, we hope that the Baznas program will concentrate on poverty alleviation through educational scholarships," he explained.
Pj. Mayor of Payakumbuh, Jasman after receiving the Baznas Awards 2024 expressed his gratitude for the awards that have been won and will continue to support the optimization of the management and distribution of zakat in Payakumbuh City.
"Alhamdulilah, this award is an appreciation for our hard work together, all parties involved and stakeholders who support zakat management in Payakumbuh City. Especially the Payakumbuh City Baznas and all UPZs that contribute positively to the implementation and management of ummah zakat in Payakumbuh City," said Jasman.
According to him, in distributing zakat, the Payakumbuh Government always focuses on prioritizing its utilization. So that in addition to reducing poverty, the benefits of zakat are also able to optimally drive the community's economy.
"We will always try so that the distribution of zakat can run more optimally for the community, so that not only to reduce poverty, but this zakat can also drive the economy of the people of Payakumbuh city," he explained.
Jasman hopes that this award will be a spirit and motivation for all levels of civil servants within the Payakumbuh City Government, so that they can be more serious and committed to supporting zakat management in Payakumbuh City.
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